Microsoft Teams / GT Research Administrators Network

Contact sends email) to be added to the Microsoft Office Team. Must be a Georgia Tech employee. The Team site is a forum for RAs that hosts recorded training, resources, discussion boards, communications, requests for input, etc. 

RAB (Research Admin Buzz) Listserv

Contact sends email) to be added to the listserv. This listserv is used by GT’s Office of Sponsored Programs to disseminate information on policy issues, deadlines, funding opportunities, new rates, upcoming training classes and outreach activities.

Office of Sponsored Programs News

Online News

Visit for news articles, updates and memos from the Office of Sponsored Programs as well as appropriate Institute and compliance updates. Use filters to sort articles by topic, date published, authoring team, and more.


The Office of Sponsored Programs publishes an eNewsletter delivered by e-mail quarterly or as needed. Subscribers to the RAB listserv are automatically subscribed to the eNewsletter distribution. For suggestions on topics, or to submit featured or new staff or accolades from departmental research administration, send your articles or ideas to

Research Administration Buzz - Quarterly Update Meetings

The Research Administration Buzz is a quarterly meeting where those who provide research administrative support discuss current topics including changes that may impact how we do business and updates from federal sponsor agencies. Registration is encouraged for space planning, and there is also an option to watch the forum online. For upcoming dates, and to register, contact sends email) for assistance.