Cindy Hope, Georgia Tech's associate vice president for research administration (AVPRA), has…

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Important updates to NSF requirements were discussed at the January 18th Research Admin Buzz (RAB) meeting. Please review each of the topics below and…
Important updates to NIH requirements were discussed at the January 18th Research Admin Buzz (RAB) meeting. Please review each of the topics below and…
Please see the message below that was sent out this morning by Dr. Abdallah to over 10,000+ researchers. He provided us with this update during last Wednesday's Research Administration Buzz (RAB) Meeting. If you were unable to attend, you can access the recorded session by clicking…
The National Institutes of Health has published new guidance on disclosure of outside activities, related to the prevention of inapprorpate foreign inluence. This information, including useful tables, can be found at NIH's "…
The Office of International Initiatives has announced the launch of the Georgia Tech Guide for Responsible International Activities, a new online resource regarding guidelines, policies, and…
The final version of NSF’s award term and condition entitled, “Notification Requirements Regarding Findings of Sexual Harassment, Other Forms of Harassment, or Sexual Assault” was published on September 21, 2018, in the Federal Register. A link to this Federal Register notice, as well as other…