Important updates to NIH requirements were discussed at the January 18th Research Admin Buzz (RAB) meeting.  Please review each of the topics below and reach out to your OSP Contracting Officer or sends email) with any questions!

Forms-H – Effective 1/25/2023

See is external) for full details.

Please ensure the proper form set is used for upcoming NIH applications.

New NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing – Effective 1/25/2023

NIH has issued a new Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy(link is external), effective January 25, 2023.

This new policy requires ALL grant applications or renewals that generate Scientific Data to include a data management and sharing plan (DMSP) and budget requests for data management activities when applicable.

Additionally, the policy sets an expectation for researchers to share data to the maximum extent possible given certain factors (i.e., legal, ethical, or technical, etc.) which may preclude sharing.

DMSP Requirements

The data management and sharing plan (DMSP) should outline in 2-pages how data will be managed and shared by addressing the following elements:  

  • data type,  
  • related tools, software, and/or code,  
  • standards,
  • data preservation, access,  and associated timelines,
  • access, distribution, or reuse considerations, and  
  • oversight of data management and sharing. 

The DMSP will be submitted with your grant application and assessed by NIH Program Staff (peer reviewers can also comment on the proposed data management budget). The approved plan will become a Term and Condition of the Notice of Award. As research progresses, the DMSP can be updated and re-approved as it is intended to be a living document.

Helpful DMSP Links:

New Salary Cap for FY2023

Effective January 1, 2023, the Executive Level II salary level is $212,100. is external)

Free Virtual NIH Conference February 1-2, 2023

NIH Shared Instrumentation Grants –
GT Internal NOI

See is external) for details, or contact Susan Roche(link sends email) or Linda Mazzeo(link sends email).

  • VPRDO has issued an internal Notification of Intent (NOI) program for PIs interesting in any of these programs (Deadline: March 10, 2023).
    • Three NIH Shared Instrumentation Grants with limited submission requirements (1 application per institution) are due June 1, 2023. All three programs have restrictions about submissions for the same type of instrumentation and one program, BIG, is also a limited submission competition:
    • Those interested in the BIG program must also submit an internal pre proposal for consideration (Deadline: March 27, 2023).