Video Tour of Dalney 180 - Coming Soon!

Dalney Building & W22 Dalney Deck
Dalney 180 Meeting Room is the primary section of 1st floor window that you see in this picture.
W22 Dalney Parking Deck is connected to the Dalney Building and seen on the right side of the picture.
For those who do not work in the Dalney Building, access to Dalney 180 or the Dalney Building from the parking deck requires walking back towards the deck entrance and going down the walkway seen in the middle.

Exterior of Dalney 180
Walkway between Dalney 180 and the W22 Dalney Deck entry/exit.
Entrance to Dalney 180 is at the end of this walkway, turn left to go into the hallway between Dalney 180 and the main Dalney Building entrance, then Dalney 180 lobby entrance is on the left.
Lobby Entrance - Coming Soon!


Lobby and TV Screen/Signage

Catering Prep Hallways

Restroom & Water Fountain