Award Lifecycle
In accordance with the Institute’s mission of scientific research and disseminating information to the interested public as a not-for-profit university, it is Georgia Tech’s strict policy to allow for publication of all results generated under sponsored research projects, with limited exceptions for U.S. government restricted information. Publication is also required to ensure that the Institute continues to fall under the Fundamental Research Exemption of U.S. Export Control laws (see EAR Section 734.8). As a practical matter, faculty need to publish for professional advancement, and students need to publish theses for graduation.
The Institute will agree to give sponsors a limited time (i.e., 30 days) in which to review publications to ensure that:
- A sponsor’s pre-existing confidential information is not inadvertently included in such publications and
- A publication bar to potential patents does not arise. In this instance, a short delay in publication may be obtained during which patent applications may be filed.
Classified Proposals and Deliverables should be handled in accordance with the Research Security policies.
Delayed Publication
In the case of contracts (usually industry-sponsored) in which Georgia Tech agrees to delay publication, the reports are retained by the Distribution Center until the agreed period lapses. The reports are then sent to the open shelves of the library. Requests to view the reports being held by the Distribution Center must be coordinated through the Office of Legal Affairs. Government "sensitive" or "in confidence" reports (not classified) are stored in a secure, controlled-access area of the library. Georgia Tech employees with U.S. citizenship (as confirmed by Research Security) may view the material but may not copy or take it out of the controlled area. Requests from off campus are referred to Research Security, who contacts the sponsor for authority to disclose the data.
Deliverables, including equipment/hardware and other items that are not normally retained in the library archives (e.g., software, manuals, drawings, etc.), should be documented by sending the Distribution Center a completed Research Report Approval Sheet with a copy of any transmittal document used to submit these items to the sponsor.