For assistance with eRouting or questions about the routing process at Georgia Tech, contact sends email).

How do I route a proposal?

Before any proposal is submitted to a funding agency, it must first be routed through Georgia Tech's internal review process. 

Proposals are routed via the eRouting system.​The eRouting system includes sections that address compliance issues to be addressed by the Office of Research Integrity Assurance, Office of General Counsel, and other applicable units -- and has workflows built-in to help facilitate these reviews.

At OSP, the proposal budget is reviewed, and the application is reviewed for compliance with institutional and federal regulations. If the budget is accurate and all policies and procedures have been followed, OSP staff will provide the authorized institutional signature as needed.

After the proposal has been accepted by OSP, it is ready to be submitted to the funding agency. Review Georgia Tech's submission process details.

Submission deadlines:
  • Electronic Submission Policy: Proposals that are to be submitted by an electronic means need to be ready to be released to the sponsor 24 hours prior to submission deadline and additionally, need to be ready for OSP review 2 days prior to that. This includes electronic submissions via a dedicated online system or via email.
    • 24 hours plus 2 days = three full business days prior to the deadline
    • Ready for OSP review = fully complete, authorized, and to OSP in eRouting
  • Please be advised that the routing form has to be complete (all items uploaded) and approved (all approvals in place) and received (by the CO) before the review and submission process will occur.
Why does my proposal need to be routed?

The internal review process for external funding proposals ensures compliance with federal, state, and institutional regulations and promotes accuracy in all budgetary and institutional information. Typically, the following questions are resolved at each of the indicated levels:

Departmental concerns:

  • Will the grant in other ways interfere with the total effort expected and for which that person is being paid?
  • Will the teaching load be adjusted because of the faculty member's work on the grant?
  • Are there sufficient facilities and equipment available to support the proposed research?
  • Does the project fit within the overall objectives of the department?
  • Are human or animal subjects to be involved in research?
  • Have biohazards been identified?

College concerns:

  • Confirms that the departmental concerns have been addressed
  • Determines that the commitment of institutional funds, if any, in support of the project are consistent with the collegiate objectives
  • Verifies the worthiness of the project in terms of collegiate objectives
  • Reviews the budget to ensure that full and appropriately documented costs are included

Office of Sponsored Programs concerns:

  • Forwards those proposals requiring University funds not available at the collegiate level to the Vice President for Research for review
    • Examples of such a requirement are funds to continue the employment of personnel upon the termination of the grant, funds for renovation, or matching funds for equipment.
  • Reviews the budget to ensure that full and appropriately documented costs are included
  • Verifies that all involved departmental, collegiate, and compliance units have approved the proposal
  • Reviews institutional information for accuracy
Does everything I send to the funding agency need to be routed?

New, competitive renewal, supplemental, and noncompeting continuation applications for external funding by grants and contracts must be routed. Revised budgets and progress reports that include a budget for a subsequent period of time must also be routed. Requests for carryover of funds from one budget period to another, no-cost extensions, and requests to re-budget after the grant has been funded do not need to be routed. Non-financial requests that require the signature of the institutional official also do not require routing.